MCPE Grants

High Interest, Easy Reader, Books for Reading Rooms Document Cameras
Wheelock School
This grant expanded the Wheelock Reading Room Library of books available to our striving readers to include high interest, easy readers in the fantasy/adventure genre.

Grade 5 Science & Engineering Visiting Science Unit
Dale Street School
Scientists from SEED Inc. visited each fifth-grade classroom at the Dale Street School for a series of five engineering lessons. Each lesson was hands-on and engaged students in the engineering process (planning, building, testing, and redesigning) using simple tools.

Learning from Experts and Making Connections to the Local Ecosystem
Blake Middle School
This grant provided authentic local connections to our ecology PBL as well as provided primary resources in the form of a resident expert and field experiences.

Modernizing the LMC/Makerspace Learning Spaces- Phase I
Black Middle School
The LMC/Makerspace is the heart of the school in providing not only books for literacy, but also spaces for instruction, making, studying, professional development, and community events. The LMC reflects and can offer all of these multipurpose needs with much-needed updates in furniture and materials. This grant is phase one over the series of work in collaboration with the district’s facilities director to modernize Blake’s LMC/Makerspace.

Rocky Woods Supplies
Wheelock School
This grant funded new supplies for the third grade “Day at Rocky Woods” event, including new fishing poles, archery supplies including arrows and targets, and cooking supplies, including vegetable peelers and knives. This creative, multidisciplinary event encompasses learning from the third grade science, social studies and physical education curriculum and new, updated supplies will greatly enhance the student experience.

Replenish Classroom Sensory Tools
Wheelock School
This grant provided sensory tools to promote regulation, improve focus, and increase participation, enabling students to be available for learning. A classroom with sensory tools supports the various sensory needs of all students in the classroom in a way that is as natural as possible.

Flashback Retro Sensory Path for Wheelock
Memorial School
This grant created a sensory path in the hallway to provide an area for students to take a sensory break throughout their day to help maintain regulation and be ready to learn.

Health and Well-Being at Blake
Blake Middle School
This grant request was for the installation of 1 water bottle filling station and sanitary pad dispensers/receptacles for bathrooms throughout the school.

M.A.T.H.S.-2, Making Authentic Teaching Happen for Student learning (Part 2)
Blake Middle School
This is a continuation of the original M.A.T.H.S. Granted awarded in 2020. The continued professional learning allowed teachers to approach every math standard by using 5 lenses: Verbal, Visual, Numeric, Algebraic, and Experiential. This grant comes with a summer district-funded R & D program that focuses on meaningful, research-based feedback systems for students that are aligned to the new priority standards.

Every Story Matters
Memorial School
This grant funded 443 award winning picture books as part of the Every Story Matters book initiative. 269 new titles were donated to Memorial as part of the collaboration between the PTO and Park Street Books. The ultimate goal of the drive was to update classroom libraries with 703 books that are focused on diversity, equity and inclusion.

Numicon Kits
Memorial School
Numicons are engaging interactive math tiles that allow all of our youngest learners to build a conceptual understanding of numbers that is developmentally appropriate. This grant provided 2 kits per classroom in K and 1st grade.

Become Your Dreams: History of Hip Hop Dance
Dale Street School
Become Your Dreams is a program that encourages children to discover their passions, be confident enough to pursue their dreams, and overcome any obstacles they may encounter along the way. This performance used the art and movement of hip hop and included a funky blend of locking, breaking, popping, tap and house dancing, vocal percussions, DJing, and modern and traditional dance forms to convey their message.