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Researching and Writing

MCPE Grants

Image by Johannes Plenio

Memorial Story Walk

Memorial School

This grant funded a fun, educational, outdoor StoryWalk for Memorial School.

In the Classroom

M.A.T.H.S.  Making Authentic Teaching Happen for Student Learning

Blake Middle School

This grant funded a 'Mathematical Mindsets' course in addition to innovative classroom tools and materials for Blake Middle School math and special education teachers.

Tai Chi

Impact Personal Safety for MHS Seniors

Medfield High School

This grant funded an Impact Personal Safety course for all MHS seniors taking the Wellness 12 class.

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Ride and Read

Dale Street & Memorial Schools

This grant funded stationary bikes to enable Dale and Memorial students to read while getting physical activity, reducing stress, and strenghtening their focus.

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Fostering a Safe Learning Environment for All Students

Blake Middle School

This grant provided a series of educational workshops to enhance safe spaces for LGBTQ+ students and families at Blake Middle School, as well as presentations and workshops for Medfield's community, staff, and students. 

Working with Laptop

Digital Dark Room

Medfield High School

This grant provided the MHS Art department with a digital darkroom laptop cart for the primary purpose of editing photographs.

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Turing Tumblers

Dale Street School

This grant provided Dale Street Students with problem-solving tools and building components in the form of magnetized game pieces to learn coding and engineering concepts.

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EverBlocks for Building and Learning

Dale Street School

This grant funded large Lego-like blocks for Dale students to use in Maker Space and in classrooms throughout the school.

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Wheelock Fab Lab/Innovation Station

Wheelock School

This grant funded Wheelock's new Fab Lab, a unique new space where students have materials to create, produce, craft, collaborate, and problem-solve.

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Hero Artist in Residence

Wheelock School

This grant funded a hero artist to work with students in designing and creating a Lego mural for Wheelock School.

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LadiBugs Document Cameras

Memorial School

This grant funded document cameras for 18 classrooms in Memorial School.

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World Language Classroom Libraries

Blake Middle School & Medfield High School

This grant provided classroom library books for Blake and MHS World Language classrooms so that students would have more options for choice reading.

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Paula Quatromoni Presentation

Medfield High School

This grant funded speaker Paula Quatromoni to present health and well-being stategies for high school athletes.  The grant also provided copies of the books What Made Maddy Run by Kate Fagan and Nancy Clark's Sports and Nutrition Guidebook to Medfield high school sports teams. 

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Blake Auditorium Lighting Project

Blake Middle School

This grant provided new lighting equipment to the Blake Middle School Auditorium and Theater.

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Water Bottle Filling Stations

Wheelock School

This grant funded an hands-free water bottle filling station at Wheelock School.

Library Books

Wheelock Library Nook

Wheelock  School

This grant provided Wheelock School the necessary materials to transform the current Library Media Center into an engaging school learning "hub."

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Mykee Fowlin Presentation

Blake Middle School 

This grant funded a powerful one-actor performance to address relevant social and emotional challenges for Blake students.

Image by James Lee

The Fight for a Better Planet - Increasing Sustainability at MHS

Medfield High School

This grant provided reusable trays in the Medfield High School cafeteria to support the high school students' iniatives to increase sustainability and reduce waste at their school.


Research Into Practice

Blake Middle School

This grant funded attendace for 7 Medfield educators at the 'Learning and the Brain Annual Fall Conference.'



Blake Middle School

This grant funded a TV monitor and accessories to expand upon Blake students using the Spin Room in PE.


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